
May 9, 2012

Level 30

Well, I just got up to level 30. I must say, it's been one crazy trip with the LoL community, but I'm happy to get this far. However, I'm going to keep playing normally and such. I still don't believe I'm ready to be doing any kind of ranked matches. So to cover myself from ranked mishaps, I'm not going to jump in there yet. Not to mention I don't have all of my runes yet and still have to practice more with my champions. Still a lot of work needs to be done before I take the next step.

Anyways, I'm going to try and post more often for this blog. My other blog won't retire, but it'll be less active for now. Don't worry, it's not abandon at all. By the way, Ironscale Shyvana skin is quite spicy (no pun intended).